Posted by: sweetpaint | May 22, 2012


It has been quite some time since I have updated all of this (TWO YEARS! *gasp*). A lot has happened to keep me busy and on my toes, but I’ve still managed to keep up with my artwork.

I’m posting this in my “About” page, but to quickly explain this site:

I began this blog as an assignment my senior year of college. (I can’t believe it’s already been three years!) It was basically an exercise in documenting and describing my work in a public space. I will just say that I have never been very good at documenting and verbalizing my work and my thought processes, but I’ve been attempting to change that. Suffice it to say, this was a beneficial exercise for me and I hope to have more time in the future to write about and post not just my finished work, but my ideas and brainstorming, my working process, techniques, thoughts, etc.

I’ve read many other artist’s blogs and found the articulation of their ideas and projects very interesting. It’s inspiring to know there are others out there working through the same difficulties as I am currently.

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